S.No | Title | Last Date Of Application |
1 | Applications are invited for the empanelment of candidates for the following positions on a contract basis |
19 November,2024 |
2 | Applications are invited for the empanelment of candidates for the following positions on a contract basis |
14 August,2024 |
3 | NIELIT Aurangabad invites applications from young and meritorious Indian Nationals for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |
31 March,2024 |
4 | Applications are invited for the empanelment of candidates for the following positions on a contract basis |
20 September,2023 |
5 | Applications are invited for the empanelment of candidates for the following positions on a contract basis |
25 August,2023 |
6 | Applications are invited for empanelment of candidates for the following positions on contract basis |
28 February,2023 |
7 | Applications are invited for empanelment of candidates for the following positions on contract basis:
01 October,2022 |
8 | Applications are invited for empanelment of candidates for the following positions on contract basis: |
20 September,2022 |
9 | Applications are invited for empanelment of candidates for the following positions on contract basis: |
09 March,2022 |
10 | 24 January,2022 | |
11 | WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ON 30-12-2021 |
30 December,2021 |
12 | 08 October,2021 | |
13 | 06 September,2021 | |
14 | 27 January,2020 | |
15 | 26 September,2018 | |
16 | 25 October,2018 | |
17 | 29 August,2018 | |
18 | 10 August,2018 | |
19 | ||
20 | ||
21 | ||
22 |