Courses/Qualification File Aligned with National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) - IT


Course Name   

Aligned at Level

Notional Hours

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1. O level (IT)




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2. A Level 5



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3. Certified Web Developer 3 210 31-Mar-2027 View Here
4. Certified System and Networking Specialist 4 360 31-Mar-2027 View Here
5. Certified Data Analyst 5 240 31-Mar-2026 View Here
6. Post Graduate Program in Data Engineering 6 840 31-Mar-2027 View Here
7. Certificate Course in ITES BPO, Soft Skills & Communicative English 3 250 13-Nov-2024 View Here
8. Computer Aided Tool Designer 4 1600 30-Dec-2024 View Here
9. Certified Cloud Computing Engineer 5 840 30-Dec-2026 View Here
10. Certified Multimedia Developer 3 200 24-Feb-2026 View Here
11. Foundation course in Information Security 4 90 24-Feb-2027 View Here
12. Foundation course in Machine Learning using Python 4 90 24-Feb-2027 View Here
13. Foundation course in Artificial Intelligence Applications 4 90 24-Feb-2027 View Here
14. Foundation course in Block chain Development 4 90 24-Feb-2027 View Here
15. Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Associate "Upskilling" 4 240 28-Apr-2027 View Here
16. Certified Cloud Computing and Virtualization Expert 4 210 31-Mar-2027 View Here
17. Certified Android Apps Developer (Upskilling) 4 210 30-Jun-2025 View Here
18. Cyber Security and Social Media Analyst 5 480 30-Jun-2025 View Here
19. Computer Applications Associate(CAA) 4 450 28-Jul-2025 View Here
20. Certified Office Automation and IT Assistant 3 450 25-Aug-2025 View Here
21. Certified Computer Application Accounting and Publishing Assistant 3 360 25-Aug-2025 View Here
22. Certified Data Entry and Office Assistant (Upskilling) 3 210 25-Aug-2025 View Here
23. IT Application Engineer (B Level - IT) 6 2520 25-Aug-2025 View Here
24. AI Development Associate 4 570 31-Jan-2025 View Here
25. Office Automation, Accounting and Publishing Assistant 3 690 29-Mar-2026 View Here
26. Computer Applications and Business Accounting Associate 4 990 29-Mar-2026 View Here
27. Cyber Secured Web Development Associate 4 990 29-Mar-2026 View Here
28. Data Analysis Assistant 3 300 29-Mar-2026 View Here
29. Data Analysis Associate 4 450 29-Mar-2026 View Here
30. Junior Data Analyst 4.5 540 29-Mar-2026 View Here
31. Cyber Security Assistant 3 300 29-Mar-2026 View Here
32. Junior Cyber Security Associate 4 450 29-Mar-2026 View Here
33. Cyber Security Associate 4.5 540 29-Mar-2026 View Here
34. Cloud Computing Assistant 3 300 29-Mar-2026 View Here
35. Junior Cloud Computing Associate 4 450 29-Mar-2026 View Here
36. Cloud Computing Associate 4.5 540 29-Mar-2026 View Here
37. Artificial Intelligence Assistant 3 300 29-Mar-2026 View Here
38. Artificial Intelligence Associate 4 450 29-Mar-2026 View Here
39. Artificial Intelligence Application Developer 4.5 540 29-Mar-2026 View Here
40. Scientific Assistant in Data Science for Life Sciences 4 450 15-Mar-2027  
41. Multiomics Data Analyst 5.5 660 15-Mar-2027 View Here

Modular Course/Standlone NOS Aligned with National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) - IT


Course Name   

Aligned at Level

Notional Hours

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Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)




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2. Cloud Computing with AWS and Azure 5 120 30-Nov-2026 View Here
3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Essentials 5 90 30-Nov-2026 View Here
4. Informatica Cloud Essentials 5 90 30-Nov-2026 View Here
5. Data Analysis with Python and SQL 5 120 30-Nov-2026 View Here
6. Essentials of Data Warehousing 5 90 30-Nov-2026 View Here
7. Essentials of Big Data 5 90 30-Nov-2026 View Here
8. Cyber Security for Cloud Infrastructure 5 120 30-Nov-2026 View Here
9. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing and IAM Essentials  5 90 30-Nov-2026 View Here
10. New Technologies Introduction 5 60 30-Nov-2026 View Here
11. Risk Control and Internal Audit - IT 5 60 30-Nov-2026 View Here
12. IT Professional Skills 5 60 30-Nov-2026 View Here