State of Art Labs

The Centre has well equipped State of Art Labs for different emerging and breakthrough fields with high-end systems connected through the campus wide network, which suffice to maintain the ratio of  one user to one computer.               
                    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning labs have high end machines and devices to train machine learning models. Big Data Analytics (BDA) clusters provide data analytics environment. Augmented and Virtual Reality lab is used to demonstrate the technology through headgear and other devices. Other high-end labs in Android, RPA, Blockchain, Tally, Multimedia and Full Stack Development are used to provide hands on project-oriented training.
Embedded System Design labs, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and VLSI Design labs give exposure to the Electronics practical environment. The Centre has First Centre of Excellence in India by Labcenter Electronics (UK) in Embedded Systems Design which specializes in IoT and Artificial Intelligence              
The Centre has labs for CCNA (Cisco certified trainings), 5G, Cyber Security, OS Administration labs. Virtual labs and Proctored labs in the Centre are also being utilized for various Government real world projects and examinations.

